Monday, September 24, 2007

Slacktone: Just before the end of Summer.

This is my buddy Dave Wronski (fiesta red Jaguar guitar and sunglasses). Dave's band is called Slacktone. By day, Dave assembles guitars at the Fender factory in Corona. Dave is a madman and is the master of surf guitar. Check the Slacktone website for future dates. Dusty Watson is his drummer, who sometimes helps out Dick Dale tours. Enjoy. Coffin CloserTidal Wave.


Anonymous said...

dude, i have one of their albums. awesome. i hope you're feeling better, buddy. we need you.

03/03/1974 - 02/09/2010 said...

I'm ready to play. Didn't the QBS MySpace say something about playing Java Bliss on October 18th?