Yep, there goes the Car Audio Store next to the nice new parking lot on Merril. City muscled out many businesses in the name of progress and this was the last to go along the strip. Of course the Gay bar is still standing which has an outdated 70's "Loves Restaurant" architecture, but that's not an eyesore.;)
Similar businesses have fallen to the mighty tractor of progress, like this leveled corner market that has been there for years. Actually the market was taken out due to "the attraction of crime". Of course the crime was coming from this lovely property up the street.
So the crime is still there but the market isn't. Looks like the city got the information turned around the wrong way. There's a whole city block jammed with low income apartments along that street. A far worse eyesore than the Car Audio store.
Just my 2 cents about the whole thing. I think our town's new motto is, "We Want Your Business.....Literally."
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